The Fitness Tiles can be installed easily by using the connector system, there is no need to glue these. Edges can be covered with a stainless steel or aluminium profile.
The tiles can easily be cut to the right size using a handknife, for which we recommend to use hollow knives. Use a rubber hammer to close the joints .
A connector is placed every 20 centimetres, which leads to an average of using 5 connectors per meter.
This combined with the fact our connectors are made out of PolyPropylene, ensures that once connected the tiles remain perfectly in place.
This delivers a phenomenal free floating system which is achieved without using any glue or other complicated installation methods.
Final result with installing the ramps.
We advise to install the tiles “Half brick wise” and not corner to corner. It is very important that the outer tiles are fixed between a wall or profile so the standard fitness tiles are forced in under tension.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Final Look
We recommend to work with a small overlap of 1 cm per every 5 tiles. After installing the complete area, the tiles can be squeezed in and this will make the small gaps dissolve.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Final Look
These tiles are connected with a pen-hole system. They have to be laid half brick wise, using the pens on both sides of the tile.
Installing correctly ensures the tiles will remain connected during weather forced expansion and shrinkage which cannot be prevented. We recommend to fix the tiles on all edges.
A pinhole is placed every 25 centimeters, which leads to an average of using 4 connector pin’s per meter. This ensures that once connected the tiles remain well in place.
This delivers a phenomenal free floating-system which is achieved without using any glue or other complicated installation methods.
When you are looking to minimize the visual effect of the seams expanding and decreasing, caused by weather conditions, you can chose to close the seams with a MS polymer adhesive.
Final Look
The surface must be smooth, level (levelled) and clean/dry
• We recommend leaving the puzzles at room temperature for a few hours (ideally 24) before final laying and cutting to allow the surface to acclimatise.
• Underfloor heating must be turned off 24 hours before installation and must only be turned back on after the adhesive has cured.
Glue to the subfloor
For complete surface adhesion and minimal visibility of the seams, we recommend gluing the rubber to the substrate. In this case, the glue manufacturer‘s specific adhesive recommendations should be followed. If you have any doubts about the substrate or areas of application, please contact the relevant adhesive glue manufacturer directly.
Interlock the puzzles and close the joints with a rubber hammer.
Note the marking in the laying direction for puzzle mats in order to avoid a checkerboard effect.
Make sure that the white markings always points in the same direction!
Loose Lay
We recommend gluing the puzzle tiles to the subfloor for the best possible result. Often, however, the puzzle tiles are laid loose, this is possible for a temporary floor such as a showroom or a trade fair. This will not give the best results for longer or more intensive use. Pay attention to the linear expansion of the rubber tiles when laying, especially with fluctuations in temperature and humidity. When uncertain, please consult us prior to install.
The material can be cut using a sharp knife or a carpet knife.
Final Look
The surface must be smooth, level (levelled) and clean/dry
• When rolling out the rubber rolls, they will curl up at the ends. We therefore recommend leaving the rolls at room temperature for a few hours (ideally 24) before final laying and cutting to allow the surface to acclimatise.
• Underfloor heating must be turned off 24 hours before installation and must only be turned back on after the adhesive has cured.
Glue to the Floor
For complete surface adhesion and due to characteristic roll tensions, we recommend gluing the rubber to the substrate. In this case, the glue manufacturer‘s specific adhesive recommendations should be followed. If you have any doubts about the substrate or areas of application, please contact the relevant adhesive manufacturer directly. Head joints and seams should be fixed where necessary. If the joints are coming up after glueing the roll down, it is recommended to place some weight on the joint to keep it down until the glue is fully cured.
Final Look